In my City // في مدينتي

A short text that talks about an Arabic teacher, a very important person in his community event though he is disrespectful. Here are some of his interactions with his students.  لدينا هنا نص قصير يتحدث عن مدرس للغة العربية، هو شخص مهم جدا في مجتمعه رغم أنه قليل الاحترام، هنا بعض ردود أفعاله مع…

Another Planet, we are here

Another Planet, we are here كوكب آخر، نحن هنا He said that his aim is to recapitulate the years of the acute Time in one of the orients countries

In my City // في مدينتي

A short text that talks about an Arabic teacher, a very important person in his community event though he is disrespectful. Here are some of his interactions with his students.  لدينا هنا نص قصير يتحدث عن مدرس للغة العربية، هو شخص مهم جدا في مجتمعه رغم أنه قليل الاحترام، هنا بعض ردود أفعاله مع…

Another Planet, we are here

Another Planet, we are here كوكب آخر، نحن هنا He said that his aim is to recapitulate the years of the acute Time in one of the orients countries